Thursday, November 13, 2008


"Count your blessing, name them one by one, count your many blessing see what God has done"
It's that time of year when we stop and maybe list those things we are thankful for. My list is long, important to some but not to everyone. Some will make me laugh and some will bring a tear to my eye.
At the top of my list is my loving husband. I am so grateful he came into my life. I can't imagine what my life would be without him. He completes me.
Right below Steve,would be my three beautiful daughters. They bring so much life into our home. Their sweet sprits just radiate when they are around. They are beautiful, great moms, and the best daughters any Mom would want.
Next would be my son-inlaws. When asked how many children I have and I respond three daughters, sometimes I will get the comment "no sons" ? Well, now I can reply two. Richard and Cody are my sons. I wouldn't love them anymore if I had given birth to them.
I have eight very special blessings. Each one is unique. I can't imagine what my life would be without these grandchildren. They have taught me so much. I look in each of their eyes and see such wisdom and unconditional love. They bring such love into our home.
I am blessed to have extended family as well. My sister and brother and their family have brought so much joy into my life. Just to know that each are only a phone call away and knowing that they are always there for support and love.
Ivy and Erv what a blessing they have been to me as well as to my family. I know I have many more blessing but now it's your turn. Count your blessing it may surprise you just h0w blessed you are.. I know it surprised me.